Rokasgrāmata FERM TSM1036 Galda zāģis

Nepieciešama rokasgrāmata savam FERM TSM1036 Galda zāģis? Zemāk var apskatīt un bez maksas lejupielādēt PDF rokasgrāmatu latviešu valodā. Šim produktam pašlaik ir 0 bieži uzdotie jautājumi, 1 komentārs un 1 balss ar vidējo produkta vērtējumu 0/100. Ja šī nav jūsu vēlamā rokasgrāmata, lūdzu, sazinieties ar mums.

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4. Keep other people away
Keep other people away especially children,
do not let them touch your power tool or
cable and keep the children away from your
working area.
5. Store the unused power tools safely.
Unused power tools should be locked up or
stored in a place that is dry and out of reach
of children.
6. Do not overload your power tool.
You work better and safer in the specified
power range.
7. Use the correct power tool.
Do not use low-power machines for heavy
Do not use the power tool for purposes that
they are not intended for. For example you
cannot cut tree limbs or a log of wood using
a hand saw.
8. Wear suitable clothing.
Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry; they
can be caught in the moving parts.
When working outdoors non-skid footwear is
For long hair, wear a hairnet.
9. Use protective equipment.
Wear protective goggles
When doing work that generates dust, use a
breathing mask.
10. Connect the vacuum device
If connection to the vacuum and catcher
are available then you know that these are
connected and properly used.
11. Do not use the cable for purposes that it is not
intended for.
Do not use the cable to the connector to pull
it out of the socket. Protect the cable from
heat, oil and sharp edges.
12. Secure the power tool.
Use clamps or a vice to hold the power tool.
It is safer than holding it with your hand.
13. Avoid an abnormal posture.
It ensures stability and keeps you balanced
at all times.
14. Keep and maintain tools with care.
Keep the cutting tools sharp and clean, this
ensures that you work better and that it is as
safe as possible.
Follow the lubricating and tool changing
Check the connection cable of the power
tool regularly and let a qualified expert repair
any damages.
Check the extension cables regularly and
replace them if they are damaged.
Keep the handles clean, dry and free of
grease and oil.
15. Unplug the power tool from the power outlet.
When you are not using the power tool, when
you conduct maintenance and when you
change your tools such as blades, drills and
16. Do not leave the key inside the tool.
Before switching it on, make sure that keys
and setup tools have been cleared
17. Avoid unintentionally switching the power tool
Verify that while connecting the plug into the
socket that the power is off.
18. Use the extension cables while outdoors.
When using the power tool outdoors make
sure to use the appropriate and approved
labeled extension cable.
Additional safety instructions
1. When using the saw blades with hard metal teeth
(Carbon tipped) it is advisable to use blades with
a negative or slightly positive cutting angle. Do
not use any saw blades with deeply cut teeth.
They can grip the protective cap.
2. Attention: First carefully assemble all the parts
before starting work. Follow the procedure as
3. If you are not familiar with using such a machine,
you would be better to be informed first by a
professional, an instructor or by a technician.
4. Always clamp or press the workpiece firmly
against the saw guide, before you carry out the
process. The use of all possible clamping set-ups
is preferable to using your hands.
5. Important: If you are holding the workpiece by
hand for the process to be carried out, keep
a minimum distance of 100 mm from the saw
6. Always press the workpiece against the bench.
7. Keep the saw blade sharp and check regularly
whether it rotates freely without abnormal
vibrations. Replace the saw blade if necessary.
8. Allow the machine to rotate freely until it reaches
the maximum number of revolutions, before you
start the process.
9. Maintain the air inlets at the back and the
Lejupielādēt rokasgrāmatu latviešu valodā (PDF, 12.77 MB)
(Apsveriet ietekmi uz vidi un drukājiet šo rokasgrāmatu tikai tad, ja tas patiešām ir nepieciešami)


Paziņojiet mums, ko jūs domājat par FERM TSM1036 Galda zāģis, novērtējot produktu. Vai vēlaties dalīties pieredzē ar šo produktu vai uzdot jautājumu? Ievadiet savu komentāru lapas apakšdaļā.
Vai esat apmierināts ar FERM TSM1036 Galda zāģis?
1 vērtējums

Pievienoties sarunai par šo produktu

Šeit varat dalīties savās domās par FERM TSM1036 Galda zāģis. Ja jums ir jautājumi, vispirms rūpīgi izlasiet rokasgrāmatu. Rokasgrāmatu var pieprasīt, izmantojot mūsu saziņas veidlapu.

ERIK STUUROP 18-01-2022
Prieks, ka tas ir pieejams tiešsaistē. Fermas rokasgrāmata ir tik maza, ka tā vienkārši nav lasāma.

atbildēt | Tas bija noderīgi (0) (Tulkojis Google)

Vairāk par šo rokasgrāmatu

Mēs saprotam, ka ir patīkami, ka jūsu FERM TSM1036 Galda zāģis ir papīra rokasgrāmata. Jūs vienmēr varat lejupielādēt rokasgrāmatu no mūsu vietnes un pats to izdrukāt. Ja vēlaties saņemt oriģinālo rokasgrāmatu, iesakām sazināties ar FERM. Viņi varētu nodrošināt oriģinālu rokasgrāmatu. Vai meklējat sava FERM TSM1036 Galda zāģis rokasgrāmatu citā valodā? Izvēlieties vēlamo valodu mūsu mājaslapā un meklējiet modeļa numuru, lai redzētu, vai tas ir pieejams.


Zīmols FERM
Modelis TSM1036
Kategorija Galda zāģi
Faila veids PDF
Faila lielums 12.77 MB

Visas rokasgrāmatas par FERM Galda zāģi
Citas Galda zāģi rokasgrāmatas

Rokasgrāmata FERM TSM1036 Galda zāģis

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